5+, america-north, forest, learning, outdoor, storyteller
ADORA SVITAK “Intellectual royalty” – Salon Magazine “It is time that adults learn from kids: bold ideas, wild creativity, and optimism.” STORYACTION GUIDE “Once upon a time” a little girl sat crying, unhappy with herself, as her older...
5+, healer, learning, school
ADORA SVITAK “Intellectual royalty” – Salon Magazine “It is time that adults learn from kids: bold ideas, wild creativity, and optimism.” STORYACTION GUIDE “Once upon a time” a little girl sat crying, unhappy with herself, as her older...
5+, america-north, charity-champ, healer, learning, school
ALICIA “Seed Quote.” STORYACTION GUIDE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd...
12+, 5+, hero, learning, school
BABAR ALI ANAND SIKSHA NIKETAN “Poor children should also have world knowledge. I teach them. So can you.” STORYACTION GUIDE Babar Ali was nine years old when he started teaching friends who could not afford school. When Babar finishes class at noon, he turns into...
12+, 5+, environment, hero, learning, outdoor, school
ANA HUMPHREY WATERSHED WARRIORS “Given the tools and experience, students of all ages can be ecosystem stewards and teachers in their community.” STORYACTION GUIDE “We were wet. We were muddy. We were tired. And we couldn’t be happier,” Ana remembers the field trip...